Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums and bone caused by inflammation. This inflammation is caused by specific bacteria found in the plaque of the mouth. Plaque may harden and lead to calculus, red swollen gums, and loose teeth. It is important to remove this sticky plaque with daily brushing and flossing and regular professional cleanings.
Disease-Causing Factors
- Bacteria that may or may not be hereditary
- Smoking
- Diabetes or other immune affecting conditions
- Stress
- Clenching and grinding teeth
- Medications causing dry mouth
- Poor nutrition
Results of Periodontal Disease
- Loss of teeth
- Preterm labor
- Heart Issues/Infection
- Rejection of artificial joints
- Possibly Alzheimer’s and other systemic diseases
Treatments and Maintenance for Periodontal Disease
may Include:
- Deeper cleanings like scaling and root planing
- An increase to 3-4 cleanings per year
- Prescription mouthrinse
- Laser therapy to reattach gum to bone
- Periodontal surgery
The best way to prevent gum disease is effective daily brushing and flossing as well as regular professional examinations and cleanings.
Get in Touch Today
If you would like to make an appointment use our form on the Contact Us page!
Phone: (540) 434-5702
129 University Blvd Suite D
Harrisonburg, VA 22801